ISO 45001:2018 health and safety in the company
2 minutes to read Federico’s point of view on health and safety at work
Brema obtained its first process certification in 1995. At that time, ISO 9001 seemed to be a great achievement. It was a voluntary choice, shared by the whole team to promote the concept of quality in the company: from the levels of service guaranteed for the customers, up to the finished products. A significant improvement for the development of operating methods to be performed in full compliance with organisational procedures, to structure and automate processes, rationalise activities and optimise timing and resources.
Since 1995, our Group has obtained many more recognitions. Huge amounts of effort and energy have been devoted to implementing a more careful, responsible and integrated organisational management.
After 1995, in 2003 we obtained the OHSAS 18001 certification for the company’s health and safety system, and in 2020 we adapted the 18001 standard to the new UNI ISO 45001: a path that has involved all the company functions and all the “Bremakers”, as we like to call ourselves, in perfecting our procedures and organisational practices.
A path that does not represent a fad or passing trend, but rather a development trajectory required to develop a pro-active approach to change and innovation.
Knowing how to focus on prevention means changing behaviour and habits, with an aware, thinking mind: this commitment aims to protect both individual and collective well-being. What benefits has the ISO 45001 certification brought to Brema?
The 45001 certification of the management system on health and safety at work does not meet a statutory requirement, but rather Brema's desire to promote the importance and awareness of the concept of health and safety at work for the prevention of accidents and occupational diseases in and outside the company.
Adopting UNI ISO 45001, the various management systems have the possibility to work in an integrated manner, complying with a truly international standard. The new standard involves the identification and assessment not only of the risks but also the opportunities for improvement identified in the analysis of the processes and context in which the organisation works.
The certification process developed an effective sensitivity to the issues by all the company, including the top management, called on to demonstrate their full commitment and actual desire to foster well-being among the staff, through a significant path of prevention and attention.
To stimulate a safety culture among all the staff, we have to work on the company’s internal and external relations. By strengthening communication between all collaborators, it is possible to create a synergy of ideals and a harmony of safe thoughts, shared and put into practice. How can we “take on board” the value of safety?
Plenty of opportunities for discussion, scheduled periodically with the support of the HR department, activating authentic training interventions focusing on the human factor, raising awareness and increasing individual responsibility on the topic. Only with carefully planned training can we develop specific competences, working on the correct perception of the hazards present in the work place.
The perception of danger is in fact a highly subjective aspect, and depends on both personal preconceptions and the effective perception of the risk the person is exposed to.
We have to shift from the “communication of contents” to the “sharing of behaviours”; the organisation must ensure that workers are fully aware of the consequences of their work practices and their health and safety: this is the goal we must strive to achieve. A different way of living and breathing safety in the company. A life style that is truly understood by all workers.
Quality & Safety| Brema Group S.p.A.