Ice and Rugby: the benefits of cryotherapy

clock--v2.png 2 minutes to read Joshua's point of view on the potential of Brema ice related to muscle recovery

It is called cryotherapy and it is a recovery methodology after training and competitions that is increasingly widespread among high-level sportsmen. Joshua Mikaele, Captain of Rugby Parabiago 1948, the team that has collaborated with the Brema Group for years, tells us about his experience.

Rugby is a tough sport with a lot of physical confrontation. At the end of each game, it is good practice to immerse yourself in a tub of water filled with ice. The aim? Recover from muscle fatigue, dispose of any lactic acid and relieve pain.

If on the pitch it may seem a very hard discipline in which contact is a fundamental prerogative, off the field there is no feeling of resentment among the players, who despite the hard blows remedied in the game, all celebrate this incredible sport together.

The historic partnership with Brema Group has allowed us to experience the benefits of "cold therapy". It is priceless to be able to immerse yourself in a tub of water with ice at the end of an important physical effort. This practice has a relaxing action by loosening the muscles and preventing them from remaining contracted, slows down the metabolism of muscle tissues and their deterioration following athletic performance.

"Recovery" is one of the favorite words of athletes when they are in the middle of a very intense training cycle. This is an aspect of fundamental importance when planning a training periodization since it is thanks to it that all the necessary transformations can be obtained in order to have a performance improvement.

Thanks to diving in ice water, I personally found a faster recovery and, in general, a prevention activity from muscle and tendon injuries due to stress. I usually stay "soaking" no more than 15 minutes. Studies show that this duration is the most effective for getting the most benefits.

Categories: Blog

Captain | Rugby Parabiago 1948

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